Angelica Root

Angelica root plays a dual role as both a flavor enhancer and a natural fixative. In flavor, it introduces an earthy, herbal essence with a nuanced blend of woody and subtly sweet, yet slightly bitter notes, adding a grounding depth to the gin. This botanical's aroma is soothing, contributing a gentle, musky scent that enriches the gin's bouquet.

As a fixative, akin to its role in perfumery, angelica root is vital in prolonging the aroma of the gin. It achieves this by slowing down the evaporation of the gin's aromatic compounds, allowing the intricate scents to linger longer, enhancing the overall sensory experience. This property makes angelica root indispensable in creating a harmonious and enduring bouquet in Conniption Gin, ensuring each botanical's aroma is captured and savored in every sip.

Nothing Artificial: All-Natural Ingredients

Crafted with a rebellious spirit and a clear vision, Conniption transcends the traditional, juniper-heavy profiles to introduce a universe of taste that's as vast and varied as the landscapes of the United States itself. Our unique cold vacuum distillation process combined with our all-natural ingredients creates a gin that captures the essence of each botanical at its peak.


Gin FAQs

Gin FAQs

Curious about gin? You’ve come to the right place! These Gin FAQs are designed to quench your thirst for knowledge about this versatile spirit. From understanding its botanical makeup to...

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Black and white photo of a group of smiling people toasting drinks at a crowded bar, with a bartender serving them.

History of Gin

When it comes to gin, it's like being transported to the wild and clandestine world of Prohibition. Picture flappers dancing to jazz tunes in dimly lit speakeasies. And let's not...

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Gin Versus Vodka: The differences you need to know

Gin Versus Vodka: The differences you need to know

Although there are two sides to this debate, there is one key distinction. A true Martini is made with gin. Contrary to popular belief, James Bond, the international man of...

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